Development of the method for filtering verbal noise while search keywords for the English text
verbal noise filtering, English text keywords, linguistic package, DKPro Core, syntactic analysisAbstract
The object of research is the processing of verbal information to identify keywords in the text. The most important step in the search for key terms is the calculation of their weights in the document in question, which makes it possible to evaluate their significance relative to each other in this context. To solve this problem, there are many approaches that are conditionally divided into two groups: they require learning and do not require learning. Learning implies the need to pre-process the original body of texts in order to extract information about the frequency of occurrence of terms in the entire body. An alternative approach is using linguistic ontologies, which are more or less approximate models of the existing set of words in a given language. On the basis of both approaches, systems are created for the automatic extraction of key terms. Nevertheless, in the direction of searching for keywords, research is not stopped in order to improve the accuracy and completeness of the results, as well as to use methods of extracting information from the text to solve new problems.
Existing approaches to the definition of keywords are characterized. The best quality of text processing is achieved by linguistic methods or when their combinations are statistical. A system for automatically determining key phrases from natural language text should be developed using the morphological dictionary and syntax rules.
The study uses an approach to defining keywords based on finding syntactic links between word forms in sentences in English text using the instrumental capabilities of modern linguistic packages. In the framework of the general approach to reducing verbal noise in the method, it is proposed that it is achieved with the help of formalized operations: the replacement of pronouns with the corresponding nouns; removal of noise connections; removing noise words; withdrawal of stop words. The described operations can be used as additional modules that improve the results of finding keywords for both the developed method for determining keywords of English text and other algorithms for finding keywords.References
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